As a part of my rotating daily themes, I'm introducing Tackle It Thursdays!
It's safe to say as a stay at home-and homeschooling-mom to 3 girls we're busy. And a lot goes on in our house each day. Tea parties, movie time, baking time, fort building, pet worlds are created and destroyed. All this means one thing: a load of mess to clean up. Of course I have my daughters help, but we all know, the majority falls back on mom. So while I'm running around with them all day (having fun of course) things get piled on the desk instead of sorted away, the books get laid on the bookshelf instead of put up, etc etc. My fix for it: Tackle It Thursdays. A day set aside for catching up on the dirty work. It really works out beautifully for me. I like the how to be in good order for the weekends. That way when we do our running around on the hubs days off, we can return to a nice clean space.
Here is what is on my To Do list for today:
- Clean off my desk! By doing that, I guess I better aim high and clean out it's insides too. I'm scared...
- Find a new toy basket for the living room for the baby's toys.
- Have the girls clean up their room.
- The bathrooms. Clean them.
- And my nemesis... catch up the laundry AND put it away. In the same day. (I can do this, I can do this, I can do this... I say as I click my red heels...)
We have literally been gone almost all day and haven't been home long. But here is my progress as of now (6:50pm):
ReplyDelete1. Desk is work in progress.
2. Done. Basket not found. A new one is in order.
3. Done. They cleaned their room!
4. Bathrooms are work in progress.
5. I have 2 loads done, and don't have enough to throw in to justify started a 3rd. So now all I have to do is fold and put away!
So I'm not 100% done yet, but am on my way. Time for dinner now, and more when the girls lay down for bed!
I'm done! Well, pretty much. I've come to terms that my desk needs more than one days worth of attention. I actually found stuff in the bottom of one of the drawers that was from when I was in high school :hide: I still have a little left to do on the laundry. But overall I feel really good about what I did today. It was nice to have a goal set and work at it as I could. Def. going to have to keep on the Tackle Me Thursdays!